Enugu Jobs Portal
In partnership with The Enugu SME Centre, Jobberman is proud to introduce the Enugu-Jobs portal. Enugu-Jobs is an initiative of the Enugu SME Center and is powered by Jobberman, Nigeria’s number 1 recruitment platform.

Components of Enugu Jobs
Human Capital Loans
I. Enugu SME Center will provide human capital loans to cover the cost of the training for individuals placed via Enugu-Jobs
II. The loan will be repaid by the employer from the candidate’s salary in instalments over a 3 - 6-month period (maximum)
Job advertisements
I. Employers in Enugu State can advertise job vacancies on the Enugu-Jobs platform in order to find the best talent
II. Employers will be provided with a shortlist of the most qualified candidates after an agreed upon period
Training Courses
I. Once employers have placed candidates, they can recommend candidates for training based on their organizational needs at no cost. Training will take place before candidates resume work.
II. Jobseekers can also enroll for the available training programmes at their own cost
Enugu-Jobs will host various employment-orientated or other events such as career fairs to provide an opportunity for jobseekers and employers to engage
Enugu Jobs Employers
Enugu-Jobs helps employers advertise job vacancies,
find the best talent and train placed candidates.
1.) Register for annual subscription
In order to advertise job vacancies on
Enugu-Jobs, employers will be
required to pay an annual
registration fee of N8,500
I. This provides access to the
Enugu-Jobs portal where employers
can advertise jobs, receive a shortlist
of the best and brightest candidates
who have applied for the job and
indicate any training required for
hired candidates
II. This registration is renewable
2.) Advertise various job vacancies
Employers can advertise job vacancies in 2 different ways
I. Option 1: Advertise the job online by completing the job form and providing company details and job details including: Job title, description, candidate requirements and benefits.
II. Option 2: Call the customer care center and speak to an agent who will assist with placing the advertisement on your behalf
3.) Place and train preferred candidates
Enugu-Jobs will provide a shortlist of the best candidates that meet requisites.
I. Upon placement and signing of an employment contract, employers can refer candidates for training courses to meet their needs, at no cost
II. Training take place before the candidate resumes work, to help prepare them for the job at hand.
III. The Enugu SME center will provide a human capital loan for the training to be reimbursed from individual’s salary in installments once they resume work
Enugu Jobseekers
Jobseekers can apply for jobs, register for trainings
and events such as career fairs on Enugu-Jobs
1.) Sign-up on Enugu-Jobs and Jobberman
i.) Jobseekers can sign up on the
Enugu-Jobs and Jobberman
platform to create a profile. This will
enable them to apply for jobs, access
training, attend career fairs etc.
ii.) To sign up, jobseekers must provide
personal information including
name, email address, date of birth,
CV etc.
ii.) Jobseekers can join Enugu-Jobs to
become part of an exciting
community of young people set to
change Enugu State, with access to
‘members only’ benefits
2.) Apply for advertised jobs
Jobseekers can browse through and
apply for jobs advertised on the
Enugu-Jobs platform which suit their
skill set.
i.) To apply, jobseekers will click apply on
the relevant advert and be redirected
to the Jobberman platform to upload
their CV and Cover Letter.
ii.) Enugu-Jobs will match jobseekers
based on employer requirements
and provide the employer with a
shortlist. Employers will select and
interview their preferred candidates.
3.) Register for training and events (career fairs)
Jobseekers will be able to access
outstanding yet practical training
and register for events like career
fairs etc.
i.) Upon placement and signing an
employment contract, jobseekers
may be required to take technical or
soft skills training prior to resuming
work based on employer needs.
ii.) Enugu SME Center will provide a
human capital loan for the training
to be repaid from the candidate’s
salary in instalments over 3 - 6 months
Training Providers
Training providers can provide their training courses to a
large database of jobseekers, inline with employer
1.) Register and advertise training courses
Training providers can register on the
Jobberman Learning platform by
providing the relevant course curricula,
costs, duration, learning outcomes etc.
i.) Once all details have been confirmed,
training courses will be advertised
on Enugu-Jobs based on employer
training needs. Courses will be
categorised by topics for ease of
reference for platform users.
ii.) Training providers can register for
free and will be assisted by Learning
Consultants where required
2.) Oversee training administration
In conjunction with the Learning
Consultants, training providers will
be able to communicate with all
registered course participants as
ii.) The communication will cover
anything related to providing updates
on changes to training sessions,
sending reminders about the
training and sharing of any
additional course material with
3.) Facilitate training sessions
Enugu SME Center will provide a
training hall or relevant facility where
the training sessions will be held.
i.) Training providers will facilitate the
sessions and come with all relevant
training materials or advise the Center
where they require additional
equipment or support.
ii.) Training sessions will be held when
required by employers.
iii.) Enugu SME Center will pay training
providers based on register
As an employer in Enugu state, joining Enugu-jobs is a great way to get the best and brightest candidates on your
team. On the Enugu-Jobs portal, you can find and hire candidates for full-time roles, part-time roles, internships, and
Enugu-Jobs will send you a shortlist of the best available candidates, based on your requirements.
Yes, you can edit any of your job listings within the allotted time frame for your job post, by filling in the contact form or
calling our dedicated customer service number. The duration of a job advert listed on the Enugu-Jobs website is 45
Your job listing stays on the Enugu-Jobs website for 45 days. This can be extended or renewed by having a conversation
with your assigned Account Manager upon your request
Simply contact us through the website, and submit the name of your candidate/new employee, preferred training
course and resumption date
Contact us through the website, email or via phone with the name of your employee placed via Enugu-Jobs, and the
Enugu SME Center will provide its bank account details.
FAQ Jobseekers
You can become a part of EnuguJobs in 3 steps: click on ‘Join EnuguJobs’, register, and apply for jobs available on the
As a jobseeker, joining the Enugu-Jobs portal is a great way to start your job search process. Here, you can find job
opportunities you can apply for, get tips on how to chart your ideal career path and access courses/training programs
on our Training page that will help you succeed in your career.
- The Enugu-Jobs portal is for all the residents and indigenes of Enugu. We encourage everyone in Enugu State to apply
for the jobs and training programs available, no matter who you are or what your background is. So if you see a vacant
role or training that fits your professional skills and competencies, click on it and see what happens. - Jobseekers that find roles through the Enugu-Jobs platform may be expected to attend training specified by the
employer (this would be specified in the Job Ad of such jobs). This will be paid for by the Enugu SME Center prior to
your employment resumption date through a Human Capital Loan. The amount paid for the training will be deducted
from your monthly salary in installments deducted over three to six months by your new employer (maximum period
of six months).
To apply for any role, simply join Enugu-jobs, search for available vacancies that fit your profile, and apply.
We would advise you to look through the job requirements of all the open roles you are interested in that are posted by a
company and apply for the one you know you will be a perfect fit for
The most important document you need is your CV. Ensure you also add all necessary information requested by the
specific employer when applying for the job.
FAQs-Training Providers
As a Training Provider, you can reach out to us by sending an email to our partners learning@jobberman.com with your
request and course details. A Learning and Development Consultant will help you through the process
Payments can be made via direct or online bank transfer. Once you have spoken to a Learning and Development
Consultant, you will be given the details of your preferred bank.
The training programs required range from Technical Skills Development Training to Soft Skills Development Training
across various sectors in Enugu State. Please provide a list of your services and we can advise on the applicable ones
required on Enugu-Jobs.
Our aim is to make your service with us as seamless as possible. Kindly reach out to your assigned Account Manager
and he/she will help you edit or resolve any issues or changes that need to be made to your training program.
Your training will be advertised on all Marketing channels (Emails, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) of the Enugu SME
Center, Enugu-Jobs, and Jobberman
Contact us through learning@jobberman.com to report any changes. We shall send an email to candidates who have
registered for your course(s), stating the changes made and reason for the changes